Stress and shaking

Anything small stresses me, how do I handle it, then I shake more. Is this part of the ataxia

Join the club that’s how my body handles stress

Stress makes a huge impact on how I feel and how well I get along. I’ve tried many things; some work - and some did not, to say the very least.

One thing that works for me is meditation. Of course, other things are probably needed, but this seems to help me manage my stress.

Another thing that helps me is for me to just be present when I do something; vs. doing eight things at the same time, like I did previously.

Also, trying to listen to multiple talkers at the same time creates loudness and chaos in my head; so silence and one-on-one work well for me.

Laughter/watching a funny movie or a comedian, journaling or some art-form, and light exercise and/or stretching work for me, also.

Stress is huge! For me believing in something outside of myself helps me see things very differently and helps me with my stress. That said, if I'm not careful ahead of time stress will get to me too. I have a magnet that says, "Stress is only 10% of what happens but 90% how we deal with it." It's a good reminder for me to see daily.

Also making sure I stay in the moment helps me stay here and make me think how important is it really?! :0)

Whether you believe in God or not or any other higher power (something outside of yourself) this video has some good tips on it. It's only one min.

this is fantastic thanks

Dear Fahareen, Stress affects my ataxia in exactly the same way as yours (shaking). I'm ultra-sensitive to even the smallest things now, since my diagnosis (eleven years ago) of ataxia! I agree whole-heartedly with what others have said! ;o)

You are not alone! Gets to me too!

Stress is huge. I try to avoid big crowds -- a mall. I also take a med. I am also bipolar II and without the medication I not only could not live with myself my partner would suffer. I also had a heart attack so exercise and calm is my daily routine. I spend a lot of time doing things that keep my mind engaged and not brain exercises where I must get everything right. I do math at Kahn Academy online. I also blog for an outlet. I do some art work when shaking and coordination is less of an issue.

The best to you. Our condition is what it is and coping with it is all we can manage.

pgillenw said:

Stress is huge. I try to avoid big crowds -- a mall. I also take a med. I am also bipolar II and without the medication I not only could not live with myself my partner would suffer. I also had a heart attack so exercise and calm is my daily routine. I spend a lot of time doing things that keep my mind engaged and not brain exercises where I must get everything right. I do math at Kahn Academy online. I also blog for an outlet. I do some art work when shaking and coordination is less of an issue.

The best to you. Our condition is what it is and coping with it is all we can manage.

thanks for great advise

It happens to me also, It seems to intensify the ataxia and dystonia. It’s also easier for us to get triggered by stressful situations. Psuedobulbar affect can occur in people with ataxia and other neurological conditions.

Right on, Adam! ;o)

: )