This Sorrel drink may help ataxia in you!

I’m sharing today a very beneficial drink that has helped myself with cerebellar ataxia. This is in no way medical advise and should not be takin as such.

The Sorrel drink made from Hibiscus Sabdariffa is a very powerful antioxidant and prevents free radicals (cell death) from forming in the body.

How to make Sorrel drink…

You will need

1- 126 gram bag of Sorrel (Hibiscus Sabdariffa)
1 tea spoon of cloves
1/2 cup sugar
A metal strainer
A funnel for bottling

  1. In a large pot bring 4 litres of water to a boil
  2. Add in cloves
  3. The boiling water will turn gold in colour in about 5 minutes than shut heat off
  4. Add in the Sorrel (Hibiscus Sabdariffa), 1/2 cup of sugar and stir
  5. Let the mixture sit and cool for 8 hours
  6. Put the mixture in the fridge for 24 hours
  7. Strain mixture into another large pot
  8. Taste drink and add more sugar to taste but no more than another 1/2 cup
  9. Bottle the drink using funnel
  10. Enjoy

How does it taste, Adam?

It has a tangy and sour taste, not everyone enjoys the taste but it is definitely worth the health benifits, this drink is a jamaican bushman remedy for many diseases

Adam, thanks a lot!

What difference do you feel? More energy, etc?

I will give it a try!

Yes this gives me much more energy, it keeps my blood pressure regulated and hopefully it’s slowing down the degenerative process. It is also a very strong aphrodisiac.

As always, check with your doctor before trying anything new that might have medicinal effects, particularly if you are taking other medications.

It should be noted I drank 1-3 8oz glasses per day 2-4 days a week. Like anything it should not be ones only fluid intake.


Do you have a link to buy Hibiscus Sabdariffa? Where do you get this?

I buy it in West Indian food stores, it costs $3-$4 canadian per bag. If there is no stores near you there’s online sellers…


Thanks! I ordered via Amazon!

Chris said:


Thanks! I ordered via Amazon!

I just made a batch today, let me know how your Sorrel turns out.