Trembling hands

I hv had trembling hands for years, caused by my SCA2. I cannot brush teeth, shave, eat, or do anything on my face. It's gotten worse. What do you all do?



I had a left hand that trembled when I would carry a cup and had severe nocturnal cramps in my legs. I solved these symptoms taking 1000 mg calcium 500 mg magnesium 1/2 dosage morning and night I also take vitamin D 5000 iu

vitamin B1 100 mg 3 times a day morning noon and night. Also take vitamin B5 200 mg. If you have kidney problems

a doctor should be involved excess magnesium is excreted by the kidneys.


JC donot want me to give advice but if you try my solution if you are taking drugs especially muscle relaxant drugs magnesium may interact with them a doctor should be involved. I had my best results seeing a MD doctor who specializes in nutrition. If you Google benefits of magnesium and vitamin B5 pantothenic acid they relax your


Hi - I use a cup with a lid/travel mug. One idea for brushing your teeth, an electric toothbrush with soft bristles followed by a dental rinse like ACT. Instead of using a razor, a cream hair remover/depilatory cream might work, depending on how corse the hair is. Also, I don’t use them, but there are eating utensils for shaky hands; you might try searching on here (up by the sign-in link). I did one for you searching for you, but you might want to search a variety of words:

Great idea's, Glitter On Butterflies! ;o)

Tremors are starting to occur with me. So far just gripping something helps not sure why. My coordination is a problem and I must wear a bib when I eat. But as someone else has said 'it is what it is'. Laughing about the situation helps me.

I have the same problem.It's surprising how many things it can affect.I have been going back and forth to the doctor with a violent tremor in both my hands. Nothing has helped so far. The tremors only came on this year but I have had Ataxia for 6 years, I have CA but the Neuro doesn't know what caused it.I am willling to listen to all the theories.I am desparate for some sort of relief from this embarrassing problem


Everyone here has something to offer of value. I would agree tell your doctor, whatever you decide to do. A sudden increase of new or existing symptoms should be evaluated.

I was given Neurotin for head tremors. I confess I haven't started taking it, because one of the side-affects is depression and I'm already dealing with that. I don't want more depression.

I'm reading some books about how to more naturally address neurological problems. Even my neurologist has said, "Any medications is a poison to the body.". I've had some great success with a gluten free and whole food diet for years. Now with new symptoms (head tremors), I'm looking for more answers too.

Dr David Perlmutter wrote a book called "Grain Brain" that I've found quite compelling. While much of the book is directed toward Alzheimer Disease, I believe it relates to all brain health and thus applies to ataxia.

Healthy fats are essential for neurological health. Coconut oil (extra virgin) in particular.

Take care!


Please do some research on magnesium vitamin D B1 B5.
Julie in Colorado said:


Everyone here has something to offer of value. I would agree tell your doctor, whatever you decide to do. A sudden increase of new or existing symptoms should be evaluated.

I was given Neurotin for head tremors. I confess I haven't started taking it, because one of the side-affects is depression and I'm already dealing with that. I don't want more depression.

I'm reading some books about how to more naturally address neurological problems. Even my neurologist has said, "Any medications is a poison to the body.". I've had some great success with a gluten free and whole food diet for years. Now with new symptoms (head tremors), I'm looking for more answers too.

Dr David Perlmutter wrote a book called "Grain Brain" that I've found quite compelling. While much of the book is directed toward Alzheimer Disease, I believe it relates to all brain health and thus applies to ataxia.

Healthy fats are essential for neurological health. Coconut oil (extra virgin) in particular.

Take care!

I did the gluten free thing and turned out not to help though many it helps. My Ataxia is caused by auto immune. I did infusions of donor anti-bodies for a while and would experience a difference that would last not quite 2 weeks. I now take Cellcept which helps some and keeps my immune system from attacking me in other organs.

thanks u all.

GOB - I use an electric TB and drink from a travel mug. I like the weighted utensils idea.

the biggest prob now is cleaning my nose - it's not made of rubber! ha!


Hello, Mas,
Canyou hold an electric shaver? If not, how about growing a beard? They are in fashion these days. Take advantage of it!
Best wishes to you.