World Orphan Drug Congress (Geneva, Europe)


for the second year Ataxia / Rare disease will be present at Geneva

for World Orphan Drug Congress

display will be in the Patient Alliance Zone

I am EXCITED to be catching up with my friends in the worldwide pharma industry, yet again

I spotted you Alan :slight_smile:
Thank you for the info. Will you take part in a discussion? :slight_smile: xB

Thanks, Beryl

The photo is from last years attendance.

Will have a display in the Patient Alliance Zone for Atacsia â Fi / Ataxia and Me™

Showing good practice for innovative Good practice within the Ataxia community.

Don't know about presenting, depending on the outcome of the Awards !



Final preparations for this years event in Geneva.

Always a NERVOUS+ EXCITEMENT to be present as well as displaying at this World rekown event in tthe rare disease calendar.

I’ve heard the best performance comes from being nervous and excited, not long now:-) xB