Hi everybody! I have visited a website that has lots of information about a walker-type device, but so much better! : https://www.mylifeglider.com
I’m hoping to get one soon! I am going through the process of getting preapproval with my insurance so that they will reimburse me partially for my expense. There is no easy way to say it: $695 + $25 ship/handling. But it’s AWESOME! If you are now having serious (dangerous) balance issues, you will like what it can do for you. I have had balance problems for a long time, with added dyskinesia, and more. The Life Glider would help me so much to do things just around the house. I have already fallen way too many times, and I concentrate on every move now to avoid another fall that could set me back a great deal.
I have babbled on enough. Go to the website and see for yourself. there are videos and testimonials that you can see. I can’t wait to hear that my insurance will help me, and then I will call LIFEGLIDER! I hope some of you are interested. Maybe some of you will want to talk about this???
Hi Sharon It’s good to hear from you. I’ve seen several posts on Facebook relating to the lifeglider, although as yet no-one has made a purchase, so you’ll be our tester
It does look totally different to the usual variety of rollators. In case anybody in the UK would like one, somebody already made an enquiry, and was told they don’t ship to the UK
The Facebook blurbs are true and of course glitter with gold but the website has a whole lot more videos and testimonials and It
seems really almost too good to be true. my hardest thing will made transferring weather from glider to a seat to rollator or anywhere but this thing allows so much more mobility and SAFETY.
I also have a Lighter weight rollator for taking in a vehicle. The other one is heavier and doesn’t fold at all and stays in the house.
The LifeGlider only ships directly from the manufacturer in California. They are looking to partner with distributors. So I haven’t tried it but they offer a 60 day money back guarantee. I am waiting to make sure my invoice date is after the date of my doctor sending his prior approval to the insurance company. I can’t wait to try it. I will keep you posted…
Hi Sharon, I am really interested in the lifeglider, do you know of anywhere in the UK where I can buy one if they won’t ship to the U.K.
Thank you
I don’t know. I have not ordered mine yet. I don’t want to mess up any chances of getting some help through insurance so I’m waiting to make sure they are going to assist to me.
In the mean time perhaps you could contact them and ask them how you could pay for it from the UK and shipped to me. I could find out if I could ship it from my home to you, and how much it would cost. Does that sound like you want to try that?
Hi everyone, please do not waste your time with this device. I just received and was very disappointed! This unit is VERY unpractical! My list of negatives: 1) It is not for “us” - trying to walk for a few steps is almost impossible, especially in my house. I kept bumping into walls! 2) Good luck if you want to take in your car. It is bulky and very heavy. Maybe because I am using the tall version. 3) There is no place to store anything either. No personal bag. 4) Very small seat while your standing. Maybe I need to practice but feel like I am going to return. Will report on my follow up (I have 60 days to return)
Thanks for the feedback henry.n…I’d seen a fair bit of interest on Facebook, but nobody had actually bought, or even tried the Lifeglider. I hope your refund is hassle free
Thanks for the heads-up! I will be prepared for the possible disappointment. Mine has been ordered, but not delivered. I will also come back to comment. I’m sorry to hear that you aren’t happier…
My LifeGlider arrived! I am pretty darn sure that this is going to be safer, healthier and handier.
Standing up straight with hands free to work in the kitchen without falling! Wow! It’s still feels a bit awkward, but it’s getting better
And where to put my “stuff”? I figured that somehow I’d see a way to do that … And I even had this bag in the house that will work!
I will update with more when I have something to report
Sharon_3sa, I am so glad it worked out for you! Unfortunately, I had to ship mine back because as I said before couldn’t go around my house due to unit being larger in base than my Nitro rollator. It is not made for inside. LifeGlider is too bulky.!
Thank you.
I am sorry it did not work out for you. I guess each one of us will have to make our own decision about this new device.
Would it be possible to take it up stairs? Or a few steps? Could you board a train or bus with it?
It cannot be used on stairs
Update - returned device, company was good with return, and have been reimbursed. The company provided packing slip and paid everything!
Sorry for the delay in letting you know how I like my LifeGlider. It will never totally replace my other walker, but it is definitely a plus for certain things… The other day I made a cake, baked it , made the frosting, cleaned up the kitchen and swept the floor, all while in the safety of my LifeGlider. Then I was glad to get out of it, and take my other walker and go sit down in an easy chair for a while. And yes that bicycle-like seat felt like it was still attached right there on my you#s-know-where. LOL
I wish I had known about it sooner, but can still take advantage of it now. .
It’s good to hear you find it helpful Sharon. At the moment I still have a lightweight rollator for outdoors, but I can see that on certain occasions I would probably benefit from something a bit ‘heavier’. Indoors, I’m on my feet and walking independently, but movement is slow and I do a lot of wall walking
Glad you’re happy with your LifeGlider. I’m okay in the house—except when I had my knee replacements—and use a cane if I’m not going far, especially if I have an arm to hang onto!! I just have to remind myself to not turn quickly or let my feet get too close together!! And I’m always looking for something to touch/hang onto. I have an Evolution Expresso rollator for longer walks like at the mall, hospital or such. It seems to work quite well.