Capability for work questionnaire

I have been sent a limited capability for work questionnaire when the DWP already knows about my disability. I cannot even do my own housework and they want to make me work. Shame :( Question 17 on the form is about Behaving appropriately and the question is: Use this space to tell us why your behaviour upsets other people and how often this happens. Explain your problems and give examples if you can.

My answer in the form is Example (a) Like making me fill a lengthy form when I am disabled (b) listening to your Lisa Coleman on Radio 4's. I hope this comment upset you and her.

P.S Lisa Coleman is the Director of Atos, the company the government is paying billions pounds to punish disabled people See:'

On the section: Other information I wrote: I am a graduate from Sussex and a qualified Nutritionist and Clinical Hypnotherapist from LCCH. I was working as a Nutritionist and Therapist for 'Anxiety UK' earning more than £ 2000- after tax 10 years ago and you think now earning £76.25 a week is too much. I am not scared. Bring on your face-to-face assessment and make me work. Anyway there is no cure for my illness and I will be dying sooner or later. I will fight for the rights of the disabled till death whatever the outcome.

I have a page on Facebook called Disability Discrimination please write your views and like it if it pleases you.

If you want to listen to the Director of Atos interview on Radio 4's click on this link




When I got my ATOS thing, my wife and I filled it out and then filled out another sheet on my Word Processor. Basically saying that I have a Progressive Degenerative Condition called xxxxxxxxxxxxx and that was the end of it. I was immediately put into the support group. I did explain that it was typed because I couldn't write legibly to give a good description of the disorder. Either way I filled the form out. I do not think that DLA and the ESA talk to each other even though they are in the same org.

Until last year I was an IT specialist earning well over £40K a year.

Thank you for your reply Breddersboy. I am sorry to read that you went through this as well and that you had to give up your job. I think the authorities should be supportive towards people who have worked hard and paid a lot of tax. It is so easy for DLA and ESA to be connected because our N.I is linked to both of them. Who would like to throw his own career down the drain? It cost me a fortune to graduate at Sussex and be a professional Nutritionist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. I was specialized in trauma and eating disorder. I tried my best to keep working. Who would like to go to a therapist with speech problems and who keeps cancelling appointments because of his ataxia? All this gives me a lot of stress which eventually exacerbates my symptoms.



breddersboy said:


When I got my ATOS thing, my wife and I filled it out and then filled out another sheet on my Word Processor. Basically saying that I have a Progressive Degenerative Condition called xxxxxxxxxxxxx and that was the end of it. I was immediately put into the support group. I did explain that it was typed because I couldn't write legibly to give a good description of the disorder. Either way I filled the form out. I do not think that DLA and the ESA talk to each other even though they are in the same org.

Until last year I was an IT specialist earning well over £40K a year.

I got my husband to fill out the ATOS form as I can longer write.Only 6 years ago I was teaching writing and reading.I also played the violin viola and piano.I would like to see an employer taking me to the toilet!! I dread communication from the DWP.I cannot answer all their questioons as the boxes are not appropriate for Ataxia.

I was in the support group but I am confused by it all.

Hi Marie

I understand everything you are saying. I am in the same boat. Your dreams are blown away in a tic. I enjoyed what I was doing; helping people with their problems. I was only charging £7.50 for one hour session and the rest was going to charity. It really breaks my heart when you don't get help when you need it now. I love music. I suggest that you should start playing again. My first job was an art teacher. I have started a ceramic course to help coordination in my hands and also to get my head off my problems. I am enjoying it and I am looking forward to doing more. I think ceramics/pottery is very good for people with ataxia. Remember ceramic shapes should not be perfect. Sometimes I love it when it shapes a little funny; I then call it wobbly. I wish I could meet a few ataxia people and make an activity group. I believe this would keep us active and busy. Regards, Deo

Marie Turner said:

I got my husband to fill out the ATOS form as I can longer write.Only 6 years ago I was teaching writing and reading.I also played the violin viola and piano.I would like to see an employer taking me to the toilet!! I dread communication from the DWP.I cannot answer all their questioons as the boxes are not appropriate for Ataxia.

I was in the support group but I am confused by it all.

One of the last things I made on a ceramics course was a hamster for my daughter. If one of the

charms of ceramics is their imperfection, then this hit the mark. The hamster was supposed to

have bulging cheeks, it looks as though it could do with a good supporting bra!

Hahaha..Good one Beryl.. At least you did something peculiar. You never know it may worth a fortune one day. I am having problems with making forms myself but fortunately you can start with moulds and change it from there. I think its good to do some activities that can help improve our coordination. Regards, Deo

Beryl Park said:

One of the last things I made on a ceramics course was a hamster for my daughter. If one of the

charms of ceramics is their imperfection, then this hit the mark. The hamster was supposed to

have bulging cheeks, it looks as though it could do with a good supporting bra!