Tongue Biting

Safe journey - take care


Hi Mauro,

As Patsy said, safe journey-take care.

I think your're very brave.

best wishes


Mauro de Sales Fortes said:

I sometime bite my lower lip when I'm eating,but my tongue not yet.

by the way, my trip to treatment with stem-cells will be in 05/19/2013,in Thailand

I have a tongue biting coordination issue. Mostly happens when I am distracted and eating. I have to pay attention otherwise my teeth land in wrong place just like my feet. :-(

I bite my tongue when I sneeze. I do bite the inside of my mouth when I’m eating - especially if what I’m eating is tasty.

Like my feet, sometimes it seems as though I 'fall over my tongue' when I'm speaking, causing slurring.

I had to hose cats in my garden the other day, the neighbours children started shrieking and the dad

appeared. To my horror I had difficulty coherently explaining the situation to him, they think I drink


Yes! Was wondering if other people had the same problem. I chew gum at work and will do it when Im not concentrating.

I occasionally bite my tongue and also the inside of my mouth and cheek. I guess it's again another timing issue with ataxia...

I think one of the biggest problems with my ataxia is the muscle tension - I find this massage really helpful: I'm sure you have equivalent treatments in other countries.

By the way, have any of you tried using botox with bruxism? Any help?

Just wanted to say thanks. I had never, ever heard of vocal massage before.

Anna Heikkinen said:

I occasionally bite my tongue and also the inside of my mouth and cheek. I guess it’s again another timing issue with ataxia…

I think one of the biggest problems with my ataxia is the muscle tension - I find this massage really helpful: I’m sure you have equivalent treatments in other countries.

By the way, have any of you tried using botox with bruxism? Any help?

Hi Anna,

The voice massage seems really useful. It's something to bear in mind. Botox was never

suggested for my teeth grinding, I think I'll persevere with the splint if necessary, I'm still

weighing up whether to have Botox in my eye!

best regards
