Tongue Biting

This is truely getting on my nerves!

I've just eaten pineapple and now have the most disgusting foul taste in my mouth. It stems

from the most bitten area of my tongue, right at the back. Obviously it's the acid reacting

with blood, it's never happened before.

Does anybody else bite their tongue, usually it just gets in the way when I'm eating?

I also have this problem. It happens sometimes when I'm eating or even talking. I thought that maybe something was wrong with my jaw or the way I bite down and had my dentist check this. He told me that everything looked okay. I also sometimes have my jaw lock and can hear a clicking sound when I chew.

Hi Mariauemura!

Thanks for replying!

I did get some help with the clicking, jaw lock pain. A splint (dentist term for gumshield) to wear at

night. This was because the dentist said I was grinding my teeth during sleep.

I stopped wearing it after a while, because the clicking etc stopped.

It has crossed my mind whether there's any Thyroid connection, my tongue generally feels large.

Whatever the cause, I don't think the pineapple did it any good at all!

Hi Beryl - I don’t have the biting my tongue issue, but I get an acidly taste in my mouth when eating some foods. I also get hiccups quite frequently, so that’s annoying. I’ve come to think of those things as reminders to laugh since they seem to be live-ins.

Yes Beryl I too bite my tongue. Mostly when I want to criticize someone. LOL. But also when eating. Plus I bite my cheeks and lower lip in the corners. I have the permanent blood blisters to prove it. The lip biting is also when I talk. I like pineapple too so when the acid irritates the bites I take a shot of milk to soothe it.

I have been biting my tongue as well when my ataxia symptoms started. It does not happen so often now mainly because I am careful while eating because of my possible choking. I think it is a sign that something is wrong with the muscles in the mouth and throat. The tongue biting is probably compensating the choking. If I had to choose one of the two I would probably prefer the tongue biting. Sorry biters I choke :)

I often bite my tongue and my jaw clicks.Offered the mouth guard but considered it just another expense as not on the NHS for dentistry.First husband was a dentist so got used to having my teeth done free. Have a mouth full of blood when it happens.No swallowing difficulties yet though.Can't floss teeth as much now as hands too quivery.

I think I also grind my teeth in my sleep but I'm not aware of it.

I also bite my tongue. I usually bite it towards the back. I get hiccups very frequently, and I wear a night guard because I grind my teeth. My jaw also clicks. I never associated any of these things with Ataxia, but it is becoming clear that it must be related. I do choke too, mostly on liquids. I know this is from the Ataxia. I learn so much from this site. Very glad I joined.

I have bitten the inside of my mouth and cheek... hower I contribute it to the loss of five teeth since the disease started. I have started choking episodes which are scary. My choking is from various foods. Sometimes with a liquid.

Hi, I also have the same problem, usually biting the back of my tongue or even my checks. This usually happens when I'm eating, but it is happening more often now when I'm talking also. Just another thing to chalk up to Ataxia. My Dr seems to think it is just a coordination problem caused by the Ataxia. My Dentist even filled down some of my sharper teeth to lessen the damage, which did help a bit. Good luck in whatever you try, but try not to worry to much about things that you have no control over.

I bite my tongue towards back of mouth when not concentrating or distracted [talking to someone sitting beside me is an example].

Lemon squash causes bad taste and choking unless VERY diluted.


Thank you, that never crossed my mind at the time!

notdrunk said:

Yes Beryl I too bite my tongue. Mostly when I want to criticize someone. LOL. But also when eating. Plus I bite my cheeks and lower lip in the corners. I have the permanent blood blisters to prove it. The lip biting is also when I talk. I like pineapple too so when the acid irritates the bites I take a shot of milk to soothe it.

Hi Marie,

I ended up paying for the splint. But , prior to that I'd got my dentist to refer me to the Dental

Hospital for a second opinion, I think he was huffed! I could have had one from them, free

I suppose because it was a hospital, they did an x-ray and I didn't pay.

It was going to be a faff going back and forth, so I just went back to my dentist, fuming because

of the cost!

Marie Turner said:

I often bite my tongue and my jaw clicks.Offered the mouth guard but considered it just another expense as not on the NHS for dentistry.First husband was a dentist so got used to having my teeth done free. Have a mouth full of blood when it happens.No swallowing difficulties yet though.Can't floss teeth as much now as hands too quivery.

I think I also grind my teeth in my sleep but I'm not aware of it.

Hi Patsy,

Yes, not concentrating/being distracted leads to my tongue biting. Butterfly mind!

The choking just seems to be involuntary, again could be due to not concentrating.

But when did you ever expect to have to think ahead before you swallowed even

saliva, it just doesn't come naturally and I forget.

Patsy said:

I bite my tongue towards back of mouth when not concentrating or distracted [talking to someone sitting beside me is an example].

Lemon squash causes bad taste and choking unless VERY diluted.


Hi All,

Many thanks for your helpful comments!

best wishes


I sometime bite my lower lip when I'm eating,but my tongue not yet.

by the way, my trip to treatment with stem-cells will be in 05/19/2013,in Thailand

is that 19 May? wow good luck MAURO


thanks!,any news I tell you

thanks.. that's on Sunday isnt it?


yes. the next sunday.