Watched 60 mins tonight promising breakthrough for us!

I watched 60 mins tonight. There was a lady named Jan. She has SCA and wanted to contribute in some way to help others because she has SCA so she volunteered in the trial for Robo Sally.

This Robo Sally is a bionic arm and hand that she named and calls it Hector. Nero scientists are looking at replacing arms and legs starting with our military paraplegics so they can replace body parts such as a leg or arm. It lifts up to 20 lbs and the fingers are sensitive enough to do wiring and feel. Right now they have to put pedestals on her head under her skin that go into her brain, but they are encouraged someday they can do wireless so they will not have to use these. But this is a break though for future Restoration to replace any body part that can be moved by the mind! Wow check this out!

Watch interview with Jan

I think this is so promising for all of us. Watch the Dr. talk about this breakthrough and where he feels it will lead us:

I really never thought this would happen for us but it is! What a breakthough!!!!

What do you think about this????????

Watch this this is amazing. Just think where this will lead us soon! I'm so jazzed about this! :0)

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WOW...,this is definitely a promising breakthrough for many!!! I missed 60 Minutes last evening, as I always watch it! Wish I would have seen the episode, so thanks for the links Jeannie! ;o)

I saw that, too. Pretty incredible advances!

Thanks for notifying us Jeannie.Sadly won't help those of us who may have something wrong with our brain.

Marie, I think this is huge because eventually the will be able to either reprogram parts of our brains or put New wires in our brain to make it function better so it. Who knows where this will lead us!
I hope everyone is trying to be as healthy as they can until this happens. Personally I want to be a good candidate for a trial like that or just be ready to be chosen to have something done. I want to be ready for these advancements that come up! This gives me a bit more real hope!!! Yea!!!

Marie Turner said:

Thanks for notifying us Jeannie.Sadly won’t help those of us who may have something wrong with our brain.

Cool wasn’t it? ;0)

Julie A. said:

I saw that, too. Pretty incredible advances!

I know! I’m so encouraged even more now seeing this! ;0)

rose said:

WOW...,this is definitely a promising breakthrough for many!!! I missed 60 Minutes last evening, as I always watch it! Wish I would have seen the episode, so thanks for the links Jeannie! ;o)

I saw it too!!! Very cool!!!!