Brain Based Therapy

Has anyone used this for treatment ?

No but looking forward to seeing any responses

I have Patsy last year I had a terrible tremor which I had for along time before my MRI that went away as well as my speech was a little slurred that went a way he did allot of blood work put me on a Gluten Free Diet I lost 20 lbs, and gave me lots of exercises to do there are lots of Videos on You tube.

Patsy said:

No but looking forward to seeing any responses

I could not get thru, what was this article. Jerry

Explanation of brain based therapy :

Thank you cicina

Sounds a good idea. Should I ask my neurologist for the this therapy?

I found this guy on my own he is a Functional Neurologist who is a chiropractor who got rid of my trimmer and slurred speech I am in Canada and had to pay for his help he did allot of blood work and put me on a gluten free diet I also lost 20 lbs but I could walk normal again with all the exercises Ihe gave me it seems to be they are the only Dr that are studying our troubles if he was not so far away would go back to him as the Dr here both gp and Neurologist t do not have a clue nor do they want to open a book to help us Just my option
Patsy said:

Sounds a good idea. Should I ask my neurologist for the this therapy?