"Keeping Positive" broadcast on BBC TV for International Ataxia Awaress Day 2006

"Keeping Positive" broadcast on BBC TV for International Ataxia Awaress Day 2006



Also, the taxi-thing: is it difficult to find an accessible taxi in the UK or are they pretty common? Although I’ve travelled some pretty uncommon places by plane, I seem to have a block about traveling by taxi by myself.

Hi Alan:-)
I had to read this twice before it registered with me when you’d actually
done it:-)
Have you found much has changed as regards to other peoples attitudes
about Ataxia?
I saw the AtaxiaUK ads for their new campaign, very hard hitting, but I
think you have to be in order to get people to take notice. They provoked
comment in my house anyway:-) xB

Many Thanks, both

2006 seems like ages ago !! (I thought everyone knew about the clip) will upload no2 soon

Beryl as my Ataxia is progressing at a very slow rate, I and my Neuro`s (yes 2 - 1 local and Dr Marios in Sheffield) think it is so slow it may be classed as platued out, for a while. who can tell ? all I know it is slow (eventhough I know in myself there is a difference) some people who havent seen me for a long time even say that I am still the same as ages ago !

Yes, the AUK pics have gained some comments ????

There is a good interest in the balance Vest, here on LWA. I have posted some pics (with Taryn`s permission) of the Vest at the National Ataxia Foundation conference (more pics https://www.flickr.com/photos/alanroygbiv/sets/72157643198676734/

Accessible taxi`s are a bit hit and mis, in some areas. London Black cabs seem OK.

but here in rural Wales your lucky to even get a taxi !

It’s uplifting to read of such positive results after wearing the Balance Vest:-)

Because Ataxia affects people differently you can’t expect everyone to benefit,
but even small improvements can make a big difference and boost confidence.

I couldn’t get to Vegas but will definitely be going to Durham and Heathrow:-) xB