
Ahhh! I was doing well for so long that I forgot how debilitating this condition can be at times.

I need your help,I have tried everything to feel better.

I recently overworked my body, the pain is mostly in my joints, but in some long muscles also.

First I had a deep tissue massage, then a lymphatic massage and then worked really hard physically for two days.

The pain set in and has been ongoing for 7 days. My fingers, wrists,forearms, shoulder, shoulder wings and knees.

I have iced, jacuzzi bath,light exercise sleeep, eating lots of protein. Like I said seven days and no improvement, just unrelenting pain.

Any suggestions.

I did have a chronic pain problem, like fibromyalgia. I have found Duloxitine great and am virtually pain free now. All the best

When I over-do it, I have a pain med in the drawer from my doctor. It is a narcotic, but nothing else works for my bone and muscle pain together. I have Norco in the generic form. I take it and rest until I'm better. Days when I feel good, I don't know how to stop and reserve my energy, always over-do it and am in the bed reading, and watching movies the next day, Norco is my savior because I get terrible pain from pushing the limits.

Best of luck to you, I hope you find releif soon!


Robin Yule said:

When I over-do it, I have a pain med in the drawer from my doctor. It is a narcotic, but nothing else works for my bone and muscle pain together. I have Norco in the generic form. I take it and rest until I'm better. Days when I feel good, I don't know how to stop and reserve my energy, always over-do it and am in the bed reading, and watching movies the next day, Norco is my savior because I get terrible pain from pushing the limits.

Best of luck to you, I hope you find releif soon!


Thank you for making me feel this is a normal outcome for over doing it. I feel so guilty taking so much time off from work. My clients have been very supportive.

I welcome all suggestions.

Looking for that miracle cure.

That's what I thought I did. And found out. It all was arthritis. I take meds for the arthritis and I am much better. This was when I was 25. I don't take the meds everyday now. Because they built up in my body. But I do take Tylenol everyday to take something away. Tylenol and the arthritis pills are the only pills I can take. If I take anything else. I get dizzy. Well it sound like you tried everything but pain relievers. If you don't believe in meds. Then your going to hurt. .Good Luck!

Talk with your doctor to see what they suggest. No need to keep suffering! My best to you...,;o)

Always, doctors first, forums are not a great place for medical treatment advice.

Good Luck

Always interesting to read how others are affected by exercise and indeed cope with resulting pain.

I wonder if those of you taking baclofen have less pain after exercise. I find that fatigue is more of a problem than pain but that is probably due to old age.

I only take 10ml baclofen in the late afternoon but they help immensely.


I do stretching for 7.5 years ago (every day) and massage for 4 years ago (3 times in a week) and I've never felt pain.


I do have lower back ache when I exercise using a minimum of 2 Kgs weight and I use a heating pad to get relief. I am trying to postpone the use of pain killers and heating pad helps me a lot. Hope you come out of pain soon. My best wishes.

I do exercise using 1 Kg weight in each hand and I don't feel pain. but each ataxia acts a way...


I agree with those suggesting you see your doctor. Sounds like you've tried home remedies. Time to get professional help.

we've never tried it - i just saw commercial on tv with montel williams, and thought about it for my husband (but haven't yet actually bought it), i think it's called tommy copper? type of compression clothing? anyone else heard of it or tried it (benefits? not really?)

praying you find something that helps


I've got SCA3 too.


FindacureSCA3 said:

nós nunca tentou isso - eu só vi comercial na TV com Montel Williams, e pensei sobre isso para o meu marido (mas ainda não realmente comprou), eu acho que é chamado de cobre tommy? tipo de roupa de compressão? ninguém mais ouviu falar dele ou tentado (benefícios? não é mesmo?)

orando você encontrar algo que ajuda

The only compression garment I've tried is compression socks (wore them on the airplane when I flew overseas a few times). They were helpful, so I imagine the ones for other parts of the body (arms) would be helpful also....

Unfortunately illegal but the medicinal use of marijuana has provided relief to some for a variety of conditions - and pain management can sometimes be addressed. Have a discussion with your neurologist or GP about possible prescriptions.