at present i have an i phone just wondered if their was a phone that ataxia people use
somtimes find it hard when i'm shaking
would welcome any help and advice please x
at present i have an i phone just wondered if their was a phone that ataxia people use
somtimes find it hard when i'm shaking
would welcome any help and advice please x
Dude, These tiny button thing are a pain. I think your phone should have voice recognition, which is what I strongly suggest, but I use old school cell phones, and hardly ever text.
If you can get apps on your phone there is one that you speak into and it types your txt message for you,xxx
this would be so useful thanks guys
would you happen to know the name of the app please
Try dragon dictation. I am pretty sure you can use it for the iphone. Other than that I am not sure. My phone came with voice recognition software already yours might have too.
loz said:
this would be so useful thanks guys
would you happen to know the name of the app please
thank you x
Wendy Lyne-ley said:
If you can get apps on your phone there is one that you speak into and it types your txt message for you,xxx
I can only use the old fashion cell phones, with buttons. For texting or calling. My son has a touch screen phone, and no way can I use it. At least with the button phones you can shake or miss. Like I do! Good Luck
, Lori
for me the dragon dictation app was awful. I do have considerable vocal impairment. I am trying to find one that works for me
i've tryed this last night doesnt work for me, text something totally different
Are you doing T9. Its all in the phone set up.
I have iphone and use an app called Tikinotes, its free and reduces the qwerty keyboard to 6 buttons. You can also get a stylus you can hold with foam (as long as a little of your skin is on the stylus) I had a T-bar one specially made. Can also get mouthsticks.
They are bringing out a switch in near future that will work via voiceover built in to accessibility so can access all iOS via a switch to scan down page and click when it gets to app or letter you want. This will also work with Proloquo2go when first released then later possibly other text to speech apps if they have the capabilities. It should at least work with stuff like the built in notes and SMS.
There's also rumours of a 7" iPad nano coming out. I don't know yet if it will have SIM card to use like phone but if you get 3G version so internet is always on you could text via an online texting service, iMessages or Facetime (with other iPhone users)
would like to thank everyone for your help xxx
After I read I tried Tikinotes and I love it. It is so fast. I love that the letters are big enough to keep my eyes on the message, see the letters in my peripheral vision, and mange to hit the right letter. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you told us about Tiki!
Kati said:
I have iphone and use an app called Tikinotes, its free and reduces the qwerty keyboard to 6 buttons. You can also get a stylus you can hold with foam (as long as a little of your skin is on the stylus) I had a T-bar one specially made. Can also get mouthsticks.
They are bringing out a switch in near future that will work via voiceover built in to accessibility so can access all iOS via a switch to scan down page and click when it gets to app or letter you want. This will also work with Proloquo2go when first released then later possibly other text to speech apps if they have the capabilities. It should at least work with stuff like the built in notes and SMS.
There's also rumours of a 7" iPad nano coming out. I don't know yet if it will have SIM card to use like phone but if you get 3G version so internet is always on you could text via an online texting service, iMessages or Facetime (with other iPhone users)
Glad to have been of assistance Liz.. check out my tips on 'Accessing Technology with Ataxia', maybe something else in there you can use!